A travel app to find best deals.

A conceptual design to find the best travel deals at the cheapest price. Finding the best travel deals sometimes is really hectic. Especially when you just not looking to enjoy the best place but you also worried about flight bookings as well as affordable hotel prices. I tried to come up with app design to help users to find a one-stop solution from finding a good destination to flight bookings and affordable hotel bookings.

A conceptual design to find the best travel deals at the cheapest price. Finding the best travel deals sometimes is really hectic. Especially when you just not looking to enjoy the best place but you also worried about flight bookings as well as affordable hotel prices. I tried to come up with app design to help users to find a one-stop solution from finding a good destination to flight bookings and affordable hotel bookings.


I enjoyed to searching about some travel platforms and tested some apps who are in this industries to find their pain points and where they are lacking. I gathered the information and put all ideas in to sketch to clear up the thought process and this helped me focus more on visual design.

Visual Identity

Since the app belongs to the travel industries I have tried to crafted things more appealing so that they getting more excited while using the app.


I tried to use colors that represent more of nature to give that emotional feeling of that traveling places.


To find a good balance with colors look and feel I have chosen Cera Pro fonts which fit very well in the design and provide good readability.

Visual Design
Main Screen

For the main screen I've come up with the Illustration which gives a holiday feelings that inspire user to take an action to select their travel destination. From this screen user can select the location where they want to travel.

Choose Location

This screen will provide users to select their preferred location as well as the trip where they want to enjoy their holidays.

From the top users can scrolls through the left to select or view the locations and based on that all available trips will load based on the location and they review the trip name and duration for the particular trip.

select the trip

With the selected location and the trip they can check more details about the trip. Further more they can also verify the pricing and other details like the duration of the trip and number of days offered for the trip. While the review ratings will boost users their confident to select the travel trip.

To attract more user interest towards selecting the trip I have added a sitemap with attractive pictures where they can check the places and number of days where they are going to spend to a particular place.

Summary of the selected trip

Once the user is happy to selects the trip they will land on this screen which will provide them to check the trip summary, They can either proceed further for to provide personal details which will help to book flight and hotel.

getting personal details

Collecting personal details will filter best flight and affordable hotels based on data entered by users. From the first step of gathering personal information to flight and hotel booking these process will help user to get best deals for their happy tour.

Next Project.

A Wellbeing Courses App.